卓正医疗简介About Distinct HealthCare秉承“回归医疗本原”的理念,卓正医疗在深圳创立,是一家以优秀医生团队为主导、由专业行政团队运营的医疗集团,致力于为中国家庭提供国际标准的医疗服务。卓正医疗已在北京、广州、深圳、成都、香港运营近二十家医疗中心、齿科中心、体检及日间手术中心,服务涵盖内科、妇产科、儿科、齿科、皮肤科、眼耳鼻喉科、门诊手术等常用科目,并提供赴美重症医疗转诊、赴港疫苗等服务。目前,已吸引近一百位来自协和、北医、复旦、中山、湘雅、华西和海外的中青年优秀医生全职加入,已搭建起多元互补、执行高效的行政团队和管理架构,摸索建立了科学有效的医疗服务和质量管控体系。目前,卓正医疗已引入多家全球知名风险投资机构,与全球主流的四十多家保险公司签订直付协议,已经成为中国高品质医疗领域的领先品牌。Distinct HealthCare is a physician-led medical group dedicated to providing high quality medical services for both expatriate and local Chinese families. We operate almost twenty multi-specialty clinics in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu and Hong Kong, providing a wide range of clinical services, including general medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics & gynecology, pediatrics, dental care, dermatology, ophthalmology, physiotherapy and day surgery.All of physicians have graduated from China’s best medical colleges, over half of whom have overseas training or work experiences. Our cutting-edge medical capabilities and strong time commitment in patient communication maximize our patients’ health benefits.Our physicians and staff are capable of speaking English, Japanese, Korean and some other foreign languages. We accept direct billing with over forty medical insurance companies globally.卓正医疗官网:www.distinctclinic.com微信公众号:卓正诊所公司总部地址:深圳市南山区南海大道与工业四路交汇处万融大厦A座5楼